Sunday, October 27, 2013

Last Training Weekend Before IMFL!

With Ironman Florida approaching and heading into race week, I am definitely in taper mode.  A mellow training weekend meant I finally had the time to stop and take some pictures along the way, and also be a spectator for a change at the Ironman 70.3 Miami.
Halfway through my run (Key Biscayne)
Along my run route (Key Biscayne)

Yes, that's a spider


Packing for IMFL!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

NYC to Miami Transition!

Well, nothing like making a move from NYC to Miami in the midst of Ironman training.  It's been awhile since I posted, because I have been super busy with the transition and trying to keep up training!  There is no place like NYC but I must say the weather has been great for training and I am feeling like I am getting settled here.  Trying to finish up these last weeks of training leading up to Ironman Florida. This week is a big volume week, then starts tapering off next week.  I go through moments where I question my preparation and readiness, but trying to stay positive and will give it my best shot on 11/2!

I am really grateful for the support of X2Performance.  I've made the product a part of my routine and it has made a huge impact on my energy levels and recovery.  It has helped me through these weeks of training!